Classroom Action Research is an effective media in improving the quality of English teachers’ performance in instructions as well as students achievement in Learning English in classroom. Classroom action research is a process to investigate that teachers do in the classroom in a variety of activities to enhance and improve classroom learning and to solve the problem until the problem is resolved.
Criteria of Success in Classroom Action Research.
Planning is a step to prepare the classroom instructional strategy to be developed in the study to solve the instructional problems.
The researcher t this stage isn’t in the process of learning how to implement the plan, nor in the process of improving the quality teacher’s performance, but in the process actually trying out the strategy to test how much the strategy can solve the classroom problems.
Observing is the process of collecting data indicating the success of the strategy in the solve the classroom problem. Focus on the data that related to the criteria of success that have been decided.
Reflection is a process of analyzing the data to determine how far the data collected. Example: A strategy of improving the student’s writing skill using picture series.
The Data in Classrom Action Research
Data collected for classroom action research include all information related to criteria of success.
Such as: Student’s problem, Classroom athmosphere, student’s motivation, the practically of the instructional strategy, cooperative behavior of the students.
Tools of Data Gathering in Classroom Action Research.
According Mohammad Adnan Latief, 2nd Ed.2013 :
1. Score. 2. Record about students activities in the classroom.
According Donald Ary,7th Ed.2007:
1). Using multiple sources of data
- Triangulation.
2). Data collection strategies
- experiencing - enquiring - examining
Data Analysis in the Classroom Action Research
Acording to Sugiyono (2010;335) data analysis is sistematically process to find and organize the data. Three elements to data analysis, are:
1.Accurancy and Crediability. 2.Validity, Reliability and Triangulation.
3.Inductive Analysis.